Muscle training is certainly important, but at the same time all other parts of the body should not be strong, otherwise they can fail at the most crucial moment.
I mean hands or feet, the latter is generally not enough to pay attention, since abundant sweating and the corresponding smell does not make this part of the body popular, but do not forget that it takes on a large load, even during banal movement.
People who often and spend a lot of time on their feet may notice that by the middle or end of the day, the feet begin to hurt, despite the fact that the rest of the leg, in particular muscles, will be in more than tolerable condition. Sometimes such pains are caused by diseases such as flat feet and other things, sometimes inappropriate shoes, and sometimes simply with the weakness of the feet themselves.
The condition of the feet is important for both professional runners and ordinary people, therefore they need to take care of them and periodically train.
What is included in the concept of care and foot care:
• The adoption of special baths and massage, which will help not only relieve fatigue, but also improve blood circulation.
• Selection of the most convenient shoes that will help to properly distribute the load and partially remove it from the foot.
• Performing appropriate exercises before and after serious loads.
• Treatment of even minimal injuries properly.
If the foot does not cope with the load, then a person cannot go trite, because this will turn into the most cruel torture for him. What is worse, if you get a serious injury, then there is a great risk that the foot is wrong and a person in principle will not be able to walk normally, and the consequences will remain for life.
Naturally, you need to actively fight any diseases like a fungus and even simple dry skin, since this all affects the condition of the foot and the ability to walk.
What exercises are recommended to be performed before training and simply with large physical exertion:
Taping with a toe on the ground - one leg is slightly pulled forward and the person tries to put on the support with an with an end. You can also raise a little leg and knock on the ground, which will allow the leg to accommodate well in shoes and will open the foot itself.
The concept of heels is recommended to be performed so that the body does not led to the side, and there is no risk of injury. You can raise one heel, but both can. The bottom line lies in the smoothly standing on the socks, and then returning to the previous position. This also includes children's rolling from socks to the heel, which allows you to effectively prepare the foot for the load.
The rotation of the ankle - the leg lifts, and rotation is carried out, first in one direction, then in the other, slowly and neatly.
All this seems childish, but reality is quite simple and in it most adults do not fulfill all these simple actions and recommendations, but at the same time suffers from daily, and sometimes chronic pains in the feet.
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