Hypoglycemia is defined as a decrease in blood sugar below normal values, i.e., below 70 mg/DL. In cases of severe hypoglycemia, the consequences can be traumatic to the subject, with the occurrence of events such as ischemia, tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation and, in worst cases, sudden death.

As a rule, a sudden decrease in blood glucose (light hyperglycemia) can be compensated by giving 15 grams of rapidly absorbed carbohydrates. It is known that 15 grams of carbohydrates on average correspond to 2 sugar bags, half of the cala can or 200 ml of fruit juice, which should help restore the value of the glycemic index within 15 minutes.

It should be noted that not all carbohydrates are quickly absorbed. For example, in the event of a glycemic crisis, sweets or cookies should be avoided, since they will not have an immediate effect.

Severe hypoglycemia: what to do?

In the case of severe hypoglycemia, on the contrary, an immediate intervention is necessary with a glucagon - a hormone, an insulin antagonist who is able to use glucose stocks in the body, in particular, in the liver, and restore the patient's blood glucose in a short time.

A few months ago, glucagon could only be administered by intramuscular injection, which required the presence of a person who could do this, as well as a suitable place, conditions and tools for the administration of the drug.

Glucagon bottle

Good news for people with diabetes: Glucagon has been available for several months in many countries in the form of a spray. This means that it can be stored in a bag and use it independently (if there is no loss of consciousness) or introduce other people even without experience. In fact, this is a non -injection drug for placing in a nostril, a powder that does not need to be inhaled, so it can be used for patients in a semi -conscious or completely unconscious state.

But good news for diabetics does not end: recently this powder has become available to everyone, since its cost is fully compensated by the National Health Service.

Reimbursement of expenses is an important step forward in the treatment of hypoglycemia, allowing each person, regardless of his social and economic status, to have access to him, which significantly reduces the risk of mortality or other serious consequences.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia

People with diabetes are well aware of the symptoms that warn them about reducing glucose levels below normal.

It is useful to repeat the typical symptoms of hypoglycemia so that others can recognize them and take urgent measures; Here are the most common:

• Visual violation.
• General malaise.
• Excessive sweating.
• Tremor.
• Headaches.
• Heart palpitations.
• Pallor.
• convulsions.
• mood changes.

Monitoring the level of glucose in the blood and taking urgent measures are extremely important for people with diabetes; From now on, the chances of surviving with hypoglycemic crisis are even higher, since all that needs to be done is to constantly carry a spray with a glucagon and inform loved ones about the presence of this tool and the possibility of administration if necessary. Best Social personal relationship manager for small business.