A person often turns out to be a deadly situation due to the fact that he cannot accept all aspects of any choice or situation, since any choice threatens with the loss of something important and expensive, and it doesn’t matter, in material equivalent or emotional/mental.
Due to the fact that a person cannot accept, he often does not see other outputs that are in some situations, and in others from failure he drives himself into deep depression and apathy, which can generally lead to tragic consequences.
Such situations always arise, only in childhood almost all of them seem hopeless and serious, but in adulthood there are fewer of them, but they are more significant.
Possible situations and what can be done in them:
• If the worst cannot be prevented or it has already happened, then a person must accept him, not run away, not deny, but accepted. At first, feelings, of course, are stunned, but after all they gradually fading and a person can live without heaviness in the soul and not fearing a competitive moment. No need to try to return to him, but you should not forget him, it will make a person stronger, although it can break it, it all depends on a specific person.
• If the situation has a way out, but a person has no necessary opportunities, but it is worth looking for possible alternatives, even if they threaten some kind of loss. It all depends on the fact that a person is ready to give for a solution to his own problem. Moreover, it is necessary to reason sensibly, and not "climb into the embrasure."
• If any option makes a loss, then you need to carefully analyze them all. Of course, people advise choosing the “smallest of evils”, but this is not always true. You need to look further than the loss itself, what options and opportunities will remain after it, how much a person will lose from such a choice and what he can purchase after time, what opportunities will remain. Sometimes it should be accepted that at the moment you will have to lose a lot, but after that there will be an opportunity to achieve more or return what happened.
It is very important not to concentrate on the negative feelings that cause such situations, because a person will easily imper himself. They can appear either imperceptibly and sharply, and over time they will only gain strength if a person does not take control or is not distracted.
Distraction often helps to look at the problems from the other side and see what was previously imperceptible. The same applies to feelings, the intensity of which prevents a person from thinking sensibly. Sometimes the loss is not as difficult as it was originally presented, and sometimes circumstances generally develop differently.
It all depends on the person and his desire to put up with the problem. You can just come to terms and wait for the “end”, or you can see what awaits a person behind this “end”.
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