For the past couple of years, water tourism has gained popularity along the rivers of Russia, the benefit of the rivers we have a large number and you can choose a lot of wonderful routes. Wonderful forums also began to appear, where water travelers are divided by tips and recommendations, talk about their adventures and warn about possible dangers on a particular route.

But today we’ll talk not about routes, but about what to take with you traveling by boat, since many would like to make such a trip, but do not know in principle where it is best to start. We note right away that, depending on the route of your trip and the time of year, your baggage may differ, but there are also basic things that will be required in any case.

To begin with, when going on a water trip, you need to completely check the technical condition of your boats, this will protect you from possible unpleasant moments in the future.

What to take with you on a boat trip:

- The first and mandatory. Take the means of communication with you, since everything can happen on a trip and in an unforeseen case it will help you contact the rescuers;

- Second, be sure to take the navigator, especially if you are going on a long journey along several rivers at once;

- Third, you need a rope in a boat travel, since the weather is not predictable and you may need to tie a boat so that it does not claim the current;

- The fourth, regardless of whether you know how to swim or not, the calm river on which you plan a trip or not - in any of these cases, there should be rescue vests for each traveler;

- Fifth, if you do not plan to live in hotels during the path, then you definitely need to take tents, sleeping bags, dishes and burners for cooking, it is also recommended to take dry fuel with you;

- The sixth, even if you go on a trip in the summer - take warm clothes and waterproof raincoats with you;

- Seventh, you will also need moisture -resistant awning for your things and products, in rainy weather you can hide under them yourself, and things will remain intact;

- The eighth, even if you consider yourself a very, very healthy person, be sure to take a first -aid kit with you with everything you need to provide first aid.

Here, in general, and all the basic things that you need to take with you on a water trip. When compiling your list, what to take with you traveling by boat, the main thing is to remember that the boat has a rather limited space, which means that you will have to take exclusively necessary things, leaving all the extra at home.

And, of course, do not forget to take a good mood with you, then your journey will be truly unforgettable. Best ukrainian dating website with real profiles.