I nostri partner

Carriere Italia

Siamo presenti nel panorama formativo nazionale da 12 anni e sin dall’inizio della nostra attività interveniamo per sviluppare due aree strategiche aziendali: le persone e le vendite.
In partnership con International Coach Federation (ICF), abbiamo abbracciato e sviluppato sin dal 2004 la metodologia del Corporate Coaching, integrandola in modo sempre più strategico con nuove modalità di Training.


MCI Medical coaching institute

MCI is an international coaching school providing advanced coaching training programs. The school was founded in 2011 and is actively training Medical Coaches, Caregiver Coaches, ADHD Coaches, and End of Life Coaches. In addition, MCI continues to develop cutting-edge coaching programs for healthcare professionals on adherence, patient-centered medicine, self-care and resilience, and leadership.

MCI’s vision is to create social change that enables people to take an active role in their health to improve wellness and quality of life through coaching.

All the school programs are accredited for continued professional learning credits by the ICF and NBHWC.For more information about the school and its programs, click on the link – https://medical-coaching-institute.com/

Or connect Isabella Puddu – isabella@pudducoaching.com